Building confidence
How to perform well under pressure
On competition, fear and getting your joy back
What if you’re already enough?
So many dancers focus so much of their energy on all of the ways they are not yet enough:
I’m not good enough, flexible enough, strong enough…
I can’t get my legs high enough, my turns fast enough, I can’t balance for long enough
[pullquote position=”right”]Focussing on what you’re not is one of the most effective ways to not get where you want to go and not make the improvements you want to make.[/pullquote]
What if you focussed on the ways you are enough instead?
How would that affect your confidence?
Your willingness to try new things?
Puberty has benefits?! [A response to Misty Copeland’s story]
First of all, sorry for the big gap between blog posts! I have been busy getting started at the Australian Ballet School, teaching some performance psychology classes and working with dancers one on one… but I certainly haven’t forgotten you, blog readers! Hello again!
Since Fat-Talk-Free month in February, I have been thinking a fair bit about the issue of “fatness” among dancers. Many dancers feel fat (regardless of whether they are or not) and body image plays a big role in our art-form, yet many find it a hard topic to talk about plainly in a helpful way.
So, when I read Misty Copeland’s incredibly powerful article on her journey toward body-confidence last month, I was struck by how clearly her story not only portrayed the issues so many dancers face… but also beautifully outlined the ingredients that have made her transformation such an inspiring “success story”.
5 Reasons My Dancing Day is Ruined! [Lessons to Learn from The Bolshoi Ballet’s Acid Attack]
This week, Bolshoi Ballet soloist, Pavel Dmitrichenko was sentenced to 6 years in prison for plotting the acid attack on Director, Sergei Filin. Although he did not plead guilty, CNN reports that the dancer wanted “Filin to be punished in some way for failing to give him the roles he wanted”.
Apart from being a punishable crime, this is a tragic event in the ballet world.
And I also see this as an extreme example of something that happens quite commonly among dancers: it’s something psychologists refer to as having an “external locus of control” where instead of believing in your own ability to control your life, you blame circumstances, people or things outside yourself.
Food – friend or foe? Part 2
So, here it is, Part 2 on Food – friend or foe? (The friendly part) For those who missed it, Part 1 is over here!
Now, I’m not a nutritionist, so you won’t be hearing me say to go out and eat bucket loads of kale (although I do hear its good for you!). I am a counsellor, so instead I’ll be talking about the mindsets & attitudes toward food & eating that can help it remain (or become!) a relaxed, healthy part of life.
Food as friend = Freedom
To start with, a healthy relationship with food needs to be based on freedom not control… so how do you define freedom with food?