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How to stay positive whilst injured

Injury can bring on feelings of significant loss. I’m sure you’ll agree, as a performer, you become so deeply connected with your work, that it really becomes how you identify yourself. Often we aren’t consciously aware of this sense of identity, until something changes. Read More
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Lessons for Babies and Ballet Dancers

A chance for me to make a blog post in the midst of baby-brain 
(and an excuse to show off some proud-mama pics of my gorgeous 
girl Noemi!). Here are some lessons I'm learning, perhaps you 
can learn from them too?

1)   Do not despise small beginnings, remember them and be astounded at how much you can grow

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Goals that Actually Get You Somewhere! Part 2

In my last post, I talked about the value of breaking your big, overwhelming goals into bite-sized steps so that you can gradually work towards them and feel a sense of achievement when you reach each milestone along the way.

But what happens when instead of happily making progress toward your goal, you find yourself getting stuck on one step, unable to move forward, doubting yourself, and wanting to quit?

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The Female Athlete Triad

This week is National Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week so today’s post focuses on a critical but little known trilogy of problems known as the “Female Athlete Triad”.

In a recent study of ‘exercising women’ in Australia, only 10% of participants could identify the 3 elements of the Female Athlete Triad.

Have you heard of it?  …Most dancers haven’t. Yet, with our very active dance schedules, perfectionist tendencies and desire to fit into the industry’s slender mould, dancers are all at risk of this serious combination of problems, and need to be aware of it.

OK, enough suspense: What is the Female Athlete Triad?

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I am from pink tights and leotards…

I thought I would begin my blog with a poem, some snippets of my life as a dancer…

I am from pink tights and leotards, from good toes and naughty toes and hair pulled tight with too many hairpins.

I am from the studio with the poster of feet in 5th – the one with the frayed leg-warmers and the worn through ballet shoes – whose limbs I remember as if they were my own.

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